• Why should I consider buying the smallest RV?

    Our BikeStream RVs are tailored for those who want to connect with nature and have a positive environmental impact. We found a need to have a compact, eco-friendly product for those who want to stay active in a sustainable way during travels! For camping, BikeStream RV offers you the smallest, lightest RV in the world. BikeStream RV offers insulation, a dry sink, a comfortable mat, and storage space within the RV. You can sleep and store your belongings in this compact RV! If you need adventure and want to take your camping trip and sustainable lifestyle to the next level, call BikeStream RV now to get yours! You won't regret it. 

  • How can I buy your product?

    To purchase a BikeStream RV all complete, please call us at 574-387-3654 and we will make sure that your small RV will be delivered right to you. 

  • Will I be able to sleep in this RV?

    Yes! Our BikeStream RV fits one person and is tailored to their needs. You can comfortably fit inside our RV and sleep\lounge\rest, etc.! There is space for you to store your belongings, and when you need to, you can also go inside for an insulated, considerate space. You won't be too hot or too cold once you are inside, so camping trips are guaranteed to have more comfort with a BikeStream RV. For any more questions, call us at 574-387-3654 or email the owner at  scottshultz63@gmail.com. We look forward to speaking with you! 

  • Will the RV be able to travel with me on non-pavement roads?

    Our BikeStream RV is not recommended to interact with non-pavement roads. Once you get from point A to point B, please try to avoid taking your RV onto gravel. With our RV's, once you get to your destination, set your camp up with your BikeStream RV and then go where you need to with your bike or by foot. 

  • What makes BikeStream RV sustainable?

    BikeStream RV is built ground up in a sustainable manner

    Every piece of material used to build this RV is able to be recycled!

    There may come a time when you want to take your RV to be scrapped. When the RV is done for you, $300 is credited to purchase a new one, and every scrap is taken to be recycled or reused. 

    Our promise is to make sure that no part of BikeStream RV ends up in the ocean or harms the planet in any way. 

  • What is the cost of a BikeStream RV?

    You can purchase our BikeStream RV's for $2395 and have our products delivered to you anywhere in the lower 48. 

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